I’ve done a lot of stuff this past week…… and let me tell ya, I AM SORE! Following my last post – this seemed pretty necessary! So how do you deal with muscle pain and muscle recovery?? Using my own experiences over the years, I can attribute a lot of my muscle health to foamContinueContinue reading “THE POWER OF THE FOAM ROLLER”

Our trip to Quebec

Hey Everyone! So as most of you know already, last weekend Gabe and I made a courageous decision to drive to Quebec City for the Canadian Open Qualifier! For those of you who follow my Instagram @claudiaholzner or my teams Instagram @syncanada2020 you would already know what we went through during that trip…. A quick recap: Went forContinueContinue reading “Our trip to Quebec”

Happy Muscles

Thank you to Claire and Alina for sending in some questions about how to begin improving your flexibility in synchro (without causing injury!) Here are 5 tips and tricks that my team and I use on a daily basis to improve our flex and make sure our bodies stay happy and healthy. After all, our bodies reallyContinueContinue reading “Happy Muscles”