Today we’re talking about HAWAII and seriously, what a wonderful place to have a training camp! Now that we are all isolating in our separate provinces, I’ve been looking back at pictures from that trip, reminiscing about the Hawaiian sun, the Island lifestyle and all of the amazing experiences we had! *** This all startedContinueContinue reading “HAWAII”


So as the title suggests we have been in Isolation for 48 days. This has been a crazy time, filled with so many ups and downs. Mentally, Physically and Emotionally. Here’s what I’ve learned. It’s ok not to be ok. This is a time in our lives that is unprecedented. We have never dealt with thisContinueContinue reading “48 DAYS IN ISOLATION”


Staying sane in times like these is all about having things to do. Whether it’s working out, binge watching Netflix, reading books, doing crafts or writing a blog ( 😉 ) It’s extremely important to keep busy, so today I’m going to share some books I have on my shelf! THE HARRY POTTER SERIES Ok,ContinueContinue reading “SOME BOOKS TO READ IN ISOLATION”


Hey everyone, I just want to address the elephant in the room. I was asked recently to make a motivational speech to one of Canada’s Artistic Swimming Clubs and it got me thinking. I have been quiet… Maybe to deter panic or to just find out what is happening before I say anything, but nowContinueContinue reading “UPDATE”


Good evening everyone! I’m a few months late, but it’s 2020!! 😍 I remember this moment back in 2016 when I had made the decision to stay 4 more years….. It always seems like such a long time, but at the end of the day it has just flown by! I have been with theContinueContinue reading “2020”


Your questions inspire my posts! If you want to know more about what we do every day, ask for some tips etc, I am happy to share! To send me a message, fill out the comment box below and I will be sure to get back to you! I hope you enjoy the posts thatContinueContinue reading “ASK AWAY”