“Perfect” online! 

Hey everyone!  It’s been such a crazy week with “Perfect” coming out! I’d like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has sent messages and live tweeted with me tonight, you are all awesome!  If you haven’t had the chance to see “perfect” click the link Here and ENJOY!  This version is 44 mins andContinueContinue reading ““Perfect” online! “

Breakfast TV and Global News

This morning Jeremie Battaglia and I went to Breakfast TV and Global News to promote the film perfect!  The film is about the struggles and obstacles we (Synchro Canada) had to overcome to achieve our goals. Although we will not make our Olympic debut this summer in Rio, we have learnt from our experiences andContinueContinue reading “Breakfast TV and Global News”

Viewing “Parfaites”

Hey everyone!  Last night we had the privilege of seeing the 1st screening of the French feature film “Parfaites”  What an amazing experience!! I am so proud to be a part of this incredible film. What Jérémie has done is create a film that expresses all of the hard work, emotions and sacrifice that goesContinueContinue reading “Viewing “Parfaites””

CBC News Clip

Hey!! Here is a fantastic news clip, by CBC, from yesterday’s Demo!!! Click Me!!! Again thank you for all of your support as we debut our newly choreographed routines for the World Cup!! Team Canada is ready to rock, so proud of us!! Much Love, C

Synchro in the News

Canada made headlines today for Synchronized Swimming! This is a great article about the athletes, our determination and the fantastic facility we have been training in! Thank you for everyone’s support, we strive to make all Canadian’s proud! Click HERE for this fantastic article!! Much Love, C